The older, the crazier | Fifty-something and ADHD!
ADHD in adults Being over fifty and then being diagnosed with ADHD. Well, what does that do to you?Not so long ago, someone asked me...
ADHD in adults Being over fifty and then being diagnosed with ADHD. Well, what does that do to you?Not so long ago, someone asked me...
AD(H)D or HSP and are you also always trying to live up to others' expectations? Since 2010, I have known that I have ADD, or AD(H)D...
'Me' and my exhausting ADD brain At a certain point, things just don't go on, it seems like my head is full. New information,...
What is the point of labelling? A question on which there is much to argue. Some people find it necessary to label people who behave 'differently'...
My sons with ADHD and ADD think in pictures I started to delve further into picture thinking myself over the weekend. I already had this...
My life journey with ADD, alcoholism and debt Actually, I just made a mess of it for the first 45 years of my life. Lots of mountains...
Received life story of Nicky The many impressions of someone with ADD Hi, This drawing is about me and I have ADD. I have been taking it since a...
ADHD and work, medication and acrimonious relationships Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 6. I had to take Ritalin but I said at the time:...