Gea's ADD and high sensitivity came in handy in healthcare
Submitted life story of Gea on her life in care with ADD and HSP
Gea worked for a long time in care and welfare where her ADD and HSP characteristics came in handy
Hello Jochem,
Today you newsletter received for which many thanks. I too have come to the conclusion that I suffer from a number of ADD and HSP characteristics fulfilled. The difference is that I have not entered the help circuit and have adjusted (tried to adjust) my life in such a way that I am very content with my quality of life.
It all started 20 years ago with (gifted) autistic people where I noticed that they regularly had paranormal experiences. Before that, like many, a burnout where the psychologist told me he couldn't help me because I had to fill in some questionnaires and I knew immediately which way it would go... a psychiatric diagnosis and for that I thanked him. I came to self-reflection from the spiritual angle and had a weblog between 2004 and 2011. There I posted channelings and lots of info about indigo children/crystal children, as well as adult indigos and HSP. At one point, I too came Garret John Leporto against with his Wayseers Manifesto in which he reaffirmed for me what I already knew ;)
I am now 48 years old and have now spent 28 years working within care and welfare where I worked as a group leader, personal supervisor/coach. Psychiatry, justice, care for the mentally handicapped, shelters ect. It mainly concerned people with behavioural disorders as it is often called. I myself call it behaviour that is difficult to understand. I discovered 1 big common thread and that was despite all those beautiful diagnoses, all these people were in my eyes high-sensitivity with a lot of creative potential. Most of their potential could be lifted through gentle teaching .
I still work in healthcare (reluctantly) after being unemployed for a year. However I want to share my views, I still run into a wall. GPs, psychologists, colleagues are not very familiar with this phenomenon. Especially not when you add a dose of sprirituality. But also my high level of emphatic ability is not recognised or recognised or acknowledged by many because it can be confrontational for others. I am very honest and transparent and do not judge but observe. This does not make things easier for my employers, colleagues and myself. As a result, I get thrown out of my job and not taken seriously ect.
I'm at a bit of a dead end now, society is pulling at me and wants me to conform to market forces within healthcare. It is sad there, small-scale companies manipulate clients, snatch them away, bribe them ect. and nothing is allowed to cost money. So there is no longer any depth in counselling.
For a client, I did a quick google search and came across your site and saw the possibility of guest blogging. I want to think about it some more but possibly sign up for it.
What I am very happy about is that you have a natural alternative to medication gives on your site because most of the people I have worked with have mostly ended up in the drug scene because they started self-medicating because counselling has fallen short. So I hope you will be very successful with your site and your thing, which I wholeheartedly support. You are sowing a lot of good here so your harvest will be flabbergasting.... :>) have a good time, Gea
being discussed here is the sleep problem. Although research shows that this is mainly present in ADHD, you may also suffer from it. People with ADD often have a disrupted day and night rhythm. They may feel comfortable watching television, cleaning or working well into the night. In the morning, they sleep longer. If you suffer from this, you are tired during the day and this exacerbates your concentration problems. Notice that you have this? Try going to bed and getting up at a fixed time. That way, you create an even rhythm and create more peace in your head.
Hi Gea,
Thanks for your interesting story and positive feedback! :) I think many people can relate to your story to some extent. That in turn gives others a sense of recognition and acknowledgement!
Thanks again for this and all the best!
Greetings, Jochem