Inspiring videos on ADD and ADHD
A positive outlook on ADD and ADHD
The inspiring videos below will give you a more positive take on ADD and ADHD for a change.
Many times, only the negative sides of these labels are highlighted. But is that really fair? AD(H)Ds have so many sides that make us very special and give us characteristics that we can use to great effect. Indeed, the most brilliant people who ever lived on earth, such as Albert Einstein and Leonardo Davinci, had AD(H)D characteristics.
With these videos, I try to inspire you to focus less on the negatives of ADD and ADHD and more on the strengths. It will do you good when you realise that your brain has particularly strong features. It is abnormal which is precisely why you can achieve great things that seem impossible to the masses. We are not made to sit still, concentrate for long periods of time and be programmed by the majority. We were made to create, to think outside the box, to do things differently from the rest, to give the world a different spin ...
Be inspired...
John Loporto, author of "The Davinci Method" - Official video (TIP!)
Characteristics of ADD and ADHD are well explained, according to John Loporto. Watch his super inspiring video below:
You can find more about John Loporto and his super inspiring book "The Davinci Method" via the link below. This book should just be required reading for everyone with ADD and ADHD!
> John Loporto and his SUPER inspiring book "The Davinci Method"
Rethink ADD / ADHD - You are genius
AD(H)D makes you special. Get inspired by the video below.
I have ADHD, what is your superpower
Inspirational speech from an ADHD person. The tricky sides, but especially the powerful sides that make you with ADD or ADHD special, are covered.
Neuroscience and ADD in Gifted Children
Interesting talk in which, the often present talents of children with ADD and ADHD, are highlighted and discussed.
More inspiring videos
More inspiring videos that are definitely worth watching, especially on the power of our brain, can be viewed at the link below.
> Movies on the power of our brain
Dear ADDs, ADHDs and HSPs,
I am Jochem and have been diagnosed with ADD and am a high-sensitive (HSP). Over the past few years, I have done an enormous amount in the field of self-awareness exercises and self-healing. Partly because in 2011 I suddenly found myself dealing with CFS/ME, or chronic fatigue syndrome, overnight. This was really a big turning point in my life which meant I really had to start working on myself from now on.
To recover, I did have to learn a lot about myself. So I pretty much went to every therapist, coach but also alternative healer you can think of.
During my search for the right help, I gained a lot of valuable knowledge that gave me very good insights and caused me to heal more and more. Now I actually see my ADD more as a strength and can live with it much better.
A book that really opened my eyes is "The Davinci Method" by John Loporto. He approaches all our traits in such a beautiful way. This is really a eye-opener For all people diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. This book was one of the biggest inspirations for me to start this website in late 2011. You can find more about John Loporto's inspiring book here. You can also see his inspiring video there in which he shares his message as an introduction to his book.
I hope this website will inspire you to look at the beautiful and powerful sides of ADD and ADHD, but of course also high sensitivity. Through all the information and tips and advice I give you the tools to be stronger with ADD, ADHD and HSP.
When you feel that spirit in yourself and are confident, you can be a person who can be very inspiring to 'normal' people. A person with a close connection to life, a rich emotional life, full of creativity, a broad thinking mind, a social being, reliable, humorous and with a very good intuition. The roles of feeling different will then reverse. But if you keep getting stuck and often think negatively about yourself, you will become more and more negatively laden and tired and the above beautiful qualities will mostly remain in the background.
On my website, I share with you all the knowledge I have. The knowledge that can give you as an ADD, ADHD and HSP person a positive spin on your life. In doing so, I share all the information I have learned from coaches and therapists and from books, documentaries and interviews.
You can read more about me on the about me page.
Happy reading
Greetings, Jochem.
A fine positive site...finally!
A glimpse into the lives of our fellow sufferers .We are no longer alone!