Different forms of intelligence, no one is stupid!
Differences in intelligence
The knowledge of Dr Gardner, developed in 1983, indicates that people have different forms of intelligence can dispose of. Everyone is good at something and so this is different for each person. Dr Gardner describes 8 different forms of intelligence that can occur in humans.
The 8 different intelligence forms
Below you can see the 8 different forms of intelligence and their characteristics. This may make you realise more why you may not be doing well in certain areas of your life, but why you may have very different talents.
Spatial? Visual
With this form of intelligence, you are good at thinking in images. Remembering images is also easier with this form of intelligence. If you are visually intelligent, chances are you like drawing, pictures, movies, designing, visualising, etc.
Verbal? Linguistic
People who are verbally intelligent will be stronger at speaking, writing, reading and everything to do with language. People with high verbal intelligence usually like speaking, listening, books, spelling, poetry, etc.
With good interpersonal intelligence, you are good at interacting with other people. Consequently, these people like to work with others and complete tasks together. Skills of people who are interpersonally intelligent generally like to lead, organise, share with others, interact etc.
Musically ? Rhythmic
People who are musically intelligent are generally immensely involved in music. Singing during the day, humming, rhythmic tapping etc. These people are generally also often good at singing and or playing an instrument. A good sense of rhythm is also a well-known trait.
People with high naturalistic intelligence often think in the framework of being 1 with nature. You see it a lot in high-sensitive people. These people often like to be in nature. For example, walking in the forest, beach, dunes. Exploring new areas, adventure and also these people often love animals immensely.
Physical - Kinesthetic
Physical intelligence is common among athletes. These are people who know how to coordinate their bodies well and enjoy using their bodies to get things done. These people are generally good at 1 or more of the following activities: dancing, running, jumping, climbing, touching, games, role-playing and other forms of physical exertion or thrills.
In this form of intelligence, people have a strong connection with themselves. They are much preoccupied with their thoughts and feelings. These people are generally good at thinking, meditating, daydreaming, reflecting, writing, etc. A lot of talking these people will not do.
Logical ? Mathematical
Are you good at reasoning, logical thinking, (scientific) problem solving or mathematics? Then your logical intelligence is well developed. Other skills include experimenting, calculating, organising, puzzling. Also, these people like factual information and reality.
Which intelligence type(s) belong to you?
As you can see, people can be smart in different ways. People are therefore a combination of intelligence. You don't necessarily have to be good at 1 of the 8. It can also be several forms of intelligence that you can find yourself in. Some people may find themselves in all forms of intelligence to some extent or very strongly in some. Now that you may realise which form of intelligence you have, you may understand better why you prefer to avoid some tasks and why you enjoy other tasks.
If you score very poorly on a particular intelligence, it is not the case that you can then never get smarter at this level. Our brain is neuroplastic either it is our whole life to train.
It is unfortunate that our current school system does not give attention to a lot of forms of intelligence. Thus, it is almost impossible for a lot of children to develop according to their qualities. So this also applies enormously to ADD, ADHD and HSP people. These people generally possess forms of intelligence that are less addressed in school, resulting in lower performance there even though they have tremendous qualities.
Interesting interview with Dr Gardner on the different forms of intelligence
Below you can see an interview with Dr Gardner in which he explains all about the different intelligence types and he talks about the current school system.