A natural aid for concentration problems and restlessness
You've probably heard something about it, Herb-e-Concept's supplement LTO3. At least, if you experience symptoms due to ADD / ADHD or high...
You've probably heard something about it, Herb-e-Concept's supplement LTO3. At least, if you experience symptoms due to ADD / ADHD or high...
My take on ADD / ADHD I have been diagnosed with ADD myself. Initially, I was happy with the diagnosis. After all, I was convinced...
The power of your brain You have probably heard of the term neurofeedback as a treatment for ADD / ADHD and related diagnoses. It...
Different or normal? Even as a child, I was 'different'. To this day, I hate that word in this context....
Society and the AD(H)D epidemic In the inspiring video below, internationally renowned education expert, Ken Robinson, talks about the current school system, society and the associated...
Who is using LTO3 and for what? More and more people with ADD, ADHD, high sensitivity (HSP), as well as those on the autism spectrum (ASD) and...
Me and my ADD label In 2011, a new phase in my life began. I was in my graduation year at (fashion) art school and...
Received Life story by Gitte on her life with ADD, Dysthyme disorder and PDS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) ADD, depression, youth care, psychologists and the Low FODMAP diet...