Psychosis ADHD medication

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2 reacties

  1. Dear Janette,

    What a story. But how nice that LTO3 is now doing its job. I recognise it from my own daughter. I am very curious to see how it continues. Peace of mind is very important, they perform better at school and feel better. Talking to each other is also important, only a medication or LTO3 works for feelings. Emotionally, guidance is and will continue to be needed at times. Will you let us know how things progress?

    Warm greetings,

  2. Hello I am janette mother of 2 children both add and the rest of the labels.
    I have never been an advocate but concerta gave my son what he asked for peace of mind and school wanted concentration and it brought both.
    Before I started it, I asked the supervisor of the medication what the long-term effect was, they had no answer to that so I dove in.
    To make long story shorter there is nothing written about it, so I gave my children it only during the week and not on weekends.
    Think my son is now 4 years on it from 33 Mg to 55 Mg.
    I had him I grade 5 on my doorstep once and that he said to me "mum I don't need it anymore".
    As a mother, it destroys you and only because we didn't realise he was different from any other child.
    Lately he is now 13 I notice that with medication concerta, down he shows no emotion at all.
    I find this frightening I also spoke to him about it he was eating badly, tremendous worrying and unable to sleep.....
    Seeing him becoming increasingly gloomy, I started a conversation with him and suggested to him to lto3 to start using and have been doing so for a week now.
    He comes home happy he is hungry he is becoming a nice child again. Concentration is not quite top yet but he needs to find a way in that too.
    My daughter is now in Cito so we are giving her a break from the concerta for now but if all this continues she will switch to this in secondary school as well, which also has side-effects of her stools being very bad, so time for her to stop as well.
    I hope to be able to tell you more if development continues like this.

    Good luck with the site...