ritalin - candy for the new millennium

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4 reacties

  1. Hello Jochem,

    I also used LTO3 and for me it did not work well. I used to take concerta up to 15 when I was 5 and now I take methylphenidate.
    That does work well, so I don't think that natural product works well for everyone, of course it also depends on how bad your ADHD is so to speak.


    Benjamin Kat

    1. Hi Benjamin, so sorry to hear that.
      I can imagine, though, that if your body has been used to medication for so long from childhood that the lto3 is no longer perceived as enough.
      Of course, Lto3 is also not comparable to a drug.
      I wish you all the best.

      Greetings Jochem.

  2. Hello dear Jochem,

    You do a lot of good things on your site I think. But while clicking through to your last post about psychologist S.Kooijman, I discovered this post of yours.
    With this flyer/publication, you are very much missing the mark as far as I am concerned!
    (a) LTO3 has already received a lot of attention from you, that's really starting to get a bit (too) much as far as I'm concerned
    b) While reading the flyer my suspicions grew and yes: this is a Scientology flyer! In other words: the heavily disputed church that is banned in several parts of the world, and through such publications, courses and foundations tries to win souls for its own cause in a roundabout way! I won't comment on whether this is their right or not, but I wouldn't (want to) connect my site with it -from the point of view of objectivity...
    c) I find the way ADD/ADHD is described ('sometimes a child is sometimes...') really stultifying, denialist. As if that's why people (a bit busy, a bit irritable, etc) gravitate towards substances like medication....

    Don't take for granted everything you get your hands on on the street, people

    Greetings Niki

    1. Hi Niki, yes you are right. I put that on the site once not knowing exactly what scientology meant. I liked the vision then only I don't have anything to do with scientology at all. Will perhaps take the flyer/post off better only then our reactions here will also be gone. As for lto3, I think I should keep spreading the info, but of course I am also open to other natural remedies that can help people with ADD and ADHD. Only I just don't know and hear much about these. I hear the occasional cry like Bach Blossoms or something but never that I hear really large-scale positive reactions as is the case with lto3. As long as I keep receiving these nice and positive reactions about lto3 from people, who say they have gained a much more pleasant life, I see no reason not to keep spreading the info. But I did decide that from now on, I will leave it a bit more to new developments about lto3 and articles from newspapers or other magazines. Such as yesterday's article by psychologist S Kooijmans talking about lto3. Thanks for your feedback Niki, appreciated! Regards, Jochem.