Power of dyslexia - Celebrities with dyslexia
The other side of Dyslexia
An inspiring video for people with dyslexia. You can see how many celebrities have the label dyslexia get and how much can be achieved with this.
An inspiring video for people with dyslexia. You can see how many celebrities have the label dyslexia get and how much can be achieved with this.
Inspiration source John Loporto The video below was made by John Loporto, founder of 'The Wayseer Manifesto' and author of the fantastic book 'The Davinci Method'. Loporto...
A positive outlook on ADD and ADHD The inspiring videos below will give you a more positive outlook on ADD and ADHD for a change. Many times, only...
Meditation TIP As everyone knows, meditation is very useful when it comes to mentally unwinding. In the video below, Andy Puddicombe explains...
Sometimes things go wrong, but I always pick myself up again! Hi, I have ADD and almost certainly Dyslexia and I have an IQ...
My sons with ADHD and ADD think in pictures I started to delve further into picture thinking myself over the weekend. I already had this...
"Mum, I'm going to read to you? Am I hearing that right now? My super dyslexic son with whom I struggle every day to practise...
What can I do now at my age. Never had dyslexia test and now I might lose my job because partial certificates are not enough according to me boss. I have worked so hard for this and had tests all good and now I am on the sidelines. Anger sadness and no recognition come together. I no longer dare to tackle anything new. I feel used or abused say it.
My son is not doing well either. Dyslexia was once diagnosed, but they didn't think it necessary to do anything about it. Now he is almost at the end of HAVO and he is extremely tired and does not know where it comes from. This hurts a mother's heart.