10 wonderful benefits of ADD and ADHD
ADD / ADHD a disorder?
We all know that ADD and ADHD can be enormously difficult. It is often trial and error and trying to find a way in an ever faster and crazier society. But could it be possible that ADD / ADHD is not a disorder or disease at all?
Complaints due to ADD / ADHD in today's society
That ADD / ADHD brings with it unpleasant symptoms is a given for many. But in many cases, might this not also be due to demanding society where we have to run with it and where we become increasingly distant from ourselves? Could it perhaps be that this way of life is simply not meant for many people?
After all, we have to fit into a picture and not be troublesome, so we will have to adapt and learn to deal with all the very things that make things difficult for us. We should not think too much differently and thinking for ourselves is not exactly appreciated either. On the contrary, we should adopt rules and beliefs as truth so that a society is easily governed and keeps control over the people.
There are plenty of places in the world where they have never heard of ADD and ADHD. So what about the science? Actually, very little is known about that. It has been shown that the brain functions differently, but not actually that it is a disorder. AD(H)D can only be measured through behavioural symptoms, not through a blood test or any other examination. These behavioural symptoms are then recorded in the DSM and this is how diagnoses are given.
I'll leave it in the middle but what I can tell you is this:
Try to worry less about the negative aspects of AD(H)D you may be experiencing. After all, ADD / ADHD has so many wonderful and positive sides that are often lost because people become convinced they have a disorder. This is because of all the criticism you have had to hear throughout your life. The fact that your brain works a little differently from the average person does not necessarily mean that you have a disorder. Even if it seems that way when you compare yourself to others. If you can use your AD(H)D traits for your passion, the tables will soon turn and you will not only experience far fewer complaints, people might just start to look up to you enormously....
10 wonderful benefits of ADD and ADHD
Below are 10 great benefits of ADD and ADHD. The list was created by Jennifer Koretsky. She is a professional coach of people with ADD and ADHD:
1. Compassion
Those with ADD and ADHD have tremendous power to connect with people. But it goes a step further than that. They usually also have a great capacity for empathy with others, and to see many different perspectives.
2. Creativity
People with ADD and ADHD tend to be incredibly creative! Writers, painters, musicians, filmmakers, designers, the artistic talents are abundant. Some assume that composers Mozart and Beethoven had ADD.
3. Drive
When someone with ADD or ADHD finds a particular task, task or activity boring, doing it can seem like torture. But give him or her an interesting project and there is no stopping him or her!
4. Problem-solving (out of the box)
ADDs and ADHDs are often good at solving problems and riddles. Once an interesting problem to solve is postulated, we often keep going until the solution is found!
5. Hyperfocus
Hyperfocus is something the ADD and ADHD person can use to their advantage. When kept under control and guided towards productive tasks and achieving goals and dreams, it can be an incredible force for getting anything done well!
6. Humorous
Most people with ADD and ADHD love to laugh, and many also have a huge sense of humour!
7. Resilience
Of course, it should not be denied that alongside the benefits of ADD and ADHD, there are also challenges. The beauty of ADDs and ADHDs is that they in particular have an incredible capacity to pick up where they left off after a challenge.
8. Intuition
People with ADD and ADHD tend to have sharp intuition. They have a high level of perception and a great understanding of fellow human beings.
9. Resourceful
ADDs and ADHDs are wonderful idea generators. They can usually come up with innovative ideas at lightning speed and are often real brainstormers!
10. That 'special something'
Many people with ADD and ADHD believe they have a unique way of seeing the world from a perspective that others do not understand. Until the ADD'er/ADHD'er meets other people with AD(H)D! You could say that these are on the same ?wavelength'!
Dealing with the difficult aspects of ADD and ADHD
Besides the many tips on this website, are you looking for an easy support that doesn't require much effort? Then take a look at LTO3. LTO3 is a 100% natural supplement that many ADDs, ADHDs and HSPs report tremendous benefit from. Both in terms of concentration, overstimulation, motivation and mood. Many people sent their experience with LTO3 in and reported having gained a much more pleasant and peaceful life in this demanding society. You can find out more about LTO3 via the link below:
> LTO3 supplement information and answers to frequently asked questions
ADD / ADHD and additional symptoms

For many people, it clashes, every day, because it is difficult to 'survive' in our society and that causes deeply stuck, mostly unconscious pains and frustrations. It creates stress and that, in turn, can lead to anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and all sorts of other symptoms in addition to your ADD and ADHD.
In fact, it 70% of people diagnosed with ADD or ADHD during his lifetime there was a secondary disorder developed at!
Try to let go and use your ADD / ADHD precisely as your strength. You won't be the first person to be affected by its very ADHD symptoms or ADD symptoms has become successful.
The link below gives you some inspiring videos of celebrities with ADD and ADHD that will give you a positive boost.
> Videos of celebrities with ADD and ADHD
or take a look at these inspiring films about ADD and ADHD
Do you have any fun additions? Especially let us hear from you in the comments below.
Denying that AD(H)D is a disorder is, in my opinion, typical behaviour for people who actually have it. It is not called a psychiatric disorder for nothing. It's not a little thing that bothers you or your partner or environment/school/work etc a bit. Then there wouldn't be so many people with this disorder committing suicide.
Take it seriously, take yourself seriously............ Bless you
that also always seemed like a good idea contact with people moving in the same water
understand each other and therefore support each other
I just say: 'you're not the only one !
but then how do people get in touch with each other......
When I found out I had ADD, everything fell very much into place. And that did a lot to my self-confidence. From then on, I started to get to know myself and I have embraced ADD as a part of me and sometimes even feel honoured that I have my muddled, curious, "my thoughts go in all directions", wacky logic brain and not such a boring straightforward brain as non-add'ers have. Our brain is not aberrant, it just works differently. Our society is not yet ready for that diversity and now focuses only on "the normal". Things like Rilatine and more time for exams and so on are a way of ensuring that people with a different brain can still keep up in this backward-looking society, so that it also has time to adapt. I personally experience a lot of drawbacks with Rilatine (no appetite, moody etc.), but I wouldn't be where I am today with the studies I am doing now without Rilatine. I only take it when I have to study or something and not at weekends, for example. If that can ensure that I can develop all my qualities, then I don't give a damn about being moody from time to time.
The moment you recognise the beautiful things about ADD, there are already and a lot of difficulties that disappear like snow in the sun. And it's time humanity starts to realise that this is not a "disorder" or a "problem" or an "abnormality" but simply "different"
ADHD is a gift not a disorder
Agreed! :)
I can change the future/ make it work for me.
#10 that special something
have for quite a long time that I knew I have adhd.
but 3 years back had it tested anyway.
never had any trouble with it myself.
well the usual incomprehension of some other people.
we can proceed much faster in our thoughts , ideas , relativising way.
that is often not seen and misunderstood.
Almost whether we would be autistic.
now that in the netherlands there is more and more awareness about add adhd etcv I still see people being pigeonholed.
And I'm talking about teachers.
my four-year-old son has now been tested for adhd.
on the advice of the two teachers because of his being unruly.
and in a class of 25 children, it is also very difficult for him to keep up.
now teachers know he has adhd.
and is immediately pigeonholed by teachers and we can't do anything with this.
Sure my story is not alone.
velemaally I hear people about their child being pigeonholed and not being accepted to a mainstream primary school. unless those children are put on ritalin.
ritalin is just away hard drugs
all people let me give you a heart to heart.
do you have add adhd hsp?
you are as normal as all other people.
if you are not understood is not because of you but because of the other person who does not have that same speed in thinking.
does your child have add adhd hsp?
keep believing in you child and you know your child better than any expert would have you believe.
Through my 17-year-old son, I found out that I have ADD. Had never heard of it before ! Now that he is in treatment for it, I started looking for information. I have already bought and devoured a book, what a recognition ! I too have always felt different from my peers, but I thought it was because of my upbringing and past. Part of it was true, but a large part was not. I am now 45 and only now am I getting to know myself.....
what I do struggle with is love. Been married twice now, worn out many boyfriends and now have a boyfriend. And yet I keep asking myself: is this it? Why the doubts again? I just can't seem to find 'the one'.
How do other ADD-ers experience it in love ?
I am now also taking LTO 3, which is helping me tremendously ! Unfortunately, I am experiencing more and more broken nights, so the energy is lacking. I also recognise a lot in the stories of others. It's good to read from fellow sufferers !
Ah I actually wanted to write that I enjoyed reading t and how good of you to share this! #here's something to it Thank you so much
Tip 1 I go for
Ooow how nice to read!
I can get horny with myself.
The thoughts and creativity dragged me from place to place!
I don't participate anymore..t party in my brain caused chaos allll over!
I can finally laugh at myself now..find t quite funny..being so different
Got diagnosis of ADD/HSP from neuro psychologist 3 months ago. I am a 50-year-old woman. I have felt like an outsider all my life. I was often told to just "act normal" and especially not to "act up". So many problems at busy schools, workplaces with stressful jobs and deadlines. Only now everything is falling into place! That is why I am happy with the diagnosis!
Very recognisable.
Am now at PsyQ with an introduction group. It discusses everything related to ADHD. I have been diagnosed with ADD. It is a confusing period because now I pay extra attention to my behaviour. Is this my character (because I have that too) or ADD. So a bit confusing it is. Got a homework assignment for this afternoon (3rd meeting): positive and negative consequences of ADHD/ADD. The list of negative consequences is huge. Positive consequences....???? Nothing. So I did a Google search. That's how I landed on your site, and I immediately felt the positivity.
I am, for example, never late. Actually slightly early. I have a sense of humour and a good dose of resilience. I am creative, but I feel that ADD (insecurity and frustrations) cruelly blocks my creativity.
That in a nutshell my story.
Hello, I would so like to get in touch with people who also have ADD/ ADHD/HSP. Just to chat, do fun things with, exchange experiences, who are on the same wavelength as me, support each other, help each other, people I get positive energy from. Who can help me? Kind regards, Nina
Got diagnosed with ADD several years ago, everything fell into place, but I experience a lot of hindrance from this in my work, would also like to have contact with people with ADD to exchange experiences, negative but also very positive
Hi Nina,
Happy to help you and I think it would be fun to get in touch. I am sure you will get funny stories from me. I only found out after 33 years that I have ADHD. Incidentally, am now in a very depressing period because of it, which I created myself. Maybe I will get over getting in touch with you through this and you can help me too.
Greetings Fer
Hai I am René, I am 43 and have known about it for a year now because I couldn't reconcile my behaviour with my thoughts and therefore got stuck. I would also like to have more contact with similar people (I have always felt different without being able to express it). I have come to understand myself so much better last year. Me. Use part-time medication to my great satisfaction but also don't want to think without the ADD.
Hi rene,
Nice of you to respond. You can take a look at the life stories of other people with ADD, ADHD and HSP. Each story is always a feast of recognition. Also check out the blog where you will find many articles including from other people with ADD, ADHD or HSP.
Hope you get some use out of it.
Greetings, Jochem!
Hi Nina, how old are you and where are you from? Because being able to meet live to exchange experiences is so convenient.
Hey Jochem,
I have ADD myself and have a hard time with it!
But what I note:
Give me a fun assignment and there's no stopping me! And I'm also problem-solving :-)
Am really also someone who likes to laugh and laugh a lot!
Yes! Benefits to someone with ADD and ADHD after all! :-D
Haha, very recognisable. I know that. Sometimes I get totally absorbed in something and sometimes I can't move forward. It goes back and forth like that :) But indeed, there are plenty of beautiful sides to it!